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Australia's Offering to the Pacific, 2050

Photography, ink on paper

Poster Project III: A Call to Art, Climarte


Australia’s suburban plug; the one that is displaced and forgotten, at the back of the kitchen cupboard, or in a container of broken pegs next to the laundry sink. This humble plug, as ready-made as it be, is dried and cracked in the heat of the expanding desert sun and no longer stops the water. But it can, still, slow it down for a time. Addressing Australia’s international obligations, this poster seeks to highlight the direct correlation between our actions now, and their projected impact in the years to come.


Plug, cracks, ship-wrecked boat, asylum seekers, endless beach, drought, quick fix, use-less object, broken, scant solutions, 2020-2030-2050, propaganda, weak gesture, future present, too late. The shrivelled plug; a devastating reminder of the consequences of our inaction unified in a single inadequate object. This is Australia’s Offering to the Pacific, in 2050.

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